
DE Republican County Chair and Vice Chair reveal themselves on Facebook

So Chris Rowe is the New Castle County Republican Party Chairman. He apparently was attempting to post a video of the Texas Church shooting on his Facebook, but YouTube kept deleting the video. He wanted to post the video to prove the good ole gun nut argument that a good guy with a gun will always take care of a bad guy with a gun and thus we need no gun safety regulations but instead need to arm everyone everywhere at all times. Here is a screenshot of his reaction:

F*ggots. Nice. The video was taken down by YouTube because YouTube has rightfully decided, long before this incident, that it does not want to host gun massacre videos. It has taken down videos of the Christchurch massacre in New Zealand and others in the US.

And then there is Nelly Jordan, the Vice Chair of the Sussex County Republican Committee.  A couple of weeks ago, she posted on her Facebook this:

“What amazes me the most in these theatrical Congress hearings, is to see how many Jews ‘In Name Only’ lend themselves to be in the hoaks (sic) of the pure made up story of Impeachment that the Democrats have woven as spiders catching flies and bugs.

“These jews (sic) have been enrolled to come and testify, to come and interrogate and to be involved in anything that the Democrats enlist them to do to try to look credible to the people of this country.”

In response to a comment from one of her friends, she writes:

“Only God knows whether this kind of Jews [sic] are really believers in God or do they believe in the same God that many Democrats believe in ‘the father of all lies.’”

Meyer Persow, formerly of Delaware Liberal and formerly active in Sussex politics before his move to Florida, wrote to the Cape Gazette concerning the posts, which is how I and others became aware of them. He had this to say:

“I’m not going to use a brush to paint the entire Sussex County GOP as being anti-Semitic, however, there are a number of people who agree with Ms. Jordan’s views, including a member of county council who would refer to me in public as “that fag Jew.”  […] Her comment comparing Jews to “spiders catching flies” is straight out of the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” and Nazi propaganda and is sickening. The current administration has given tacit approval to a rise in white nationalism and anti-Semitism that we have not seen since the 1930s, and apparently, something Ms. Jordan subscribes to.”

Ms. Jordan also appears to need to return to elementary school to learn proper grammar, spelling and syntax.

Here are screenshots of Nelly Jordan’s comments. Click on the images to enlarge them to read.

Jane Brady, the Delaware State Republican Party Chair, should demand Mr. Rowe’s and Ms. Jordan’s resignations immediately lest the entire party be deemed to endorse and condone their comments.

Delaware politics from a liberal, progressive and Democratic perspective. Keep Delaware Blue.

132 comments on “DE Republican County Chair and Vice Chair reveal themselves on Facebook

  1. John Kowalko

    Jane Brady supports and endorses Trump and the Trumpeters. She was a terrible AG and a partisan hack who when given a judgeship proved the case in point about all Delaware Conservative/Corporatist Dems compromisers. They cannot get out of their own way fast enough to suck at the teat of “compromise” with any business, corporate, Chamber hack that DO NOT–DO NOT give one crap about the poor or minority communities. Yeah let me know how your demands of Jane Brady are met. Holding my breath.
    Representative John Kowalko

    • Lisa Mercaldo-McCulley

      As a supporter of yours on a number of education issues, your comment disappoints me and seems very “partisan hack.” Jane Brady did not make these comments. It’s been one day and she has swiftly responded.

    • Wendell Smallwood


      • John Kowalko

        And there you have it. A “Smallwood” trying to distract from his “smallwood”.

    • Kowalko the quack. Saw your f word laced email. Do you get High or just drink to much for the late night emails that land you in the media?

    • Ronald Lubman

      TRUMP 20 20 if u love USA. People kill not Guns, A good guy or gal with a gun saves lives

      • Your comment has nothing to do with the topic, but you have succeeded in revealing yourself as a towering jackass. Well done.

  2. Meyer Persow

    Thanks for sharing this. I have many friends in the GOP as well as fellow Democrats, and all are appalled at Ms. Jordan’s post .

  3. Vicki Seifred

    Just didn’t think Delaware Republicans would stoop so low as to select these people to leadership roles. Sad.

  4. Meyer Persow

    In all fairness, I had several calls from GOP office holders from Sussex County this morning who apologized to me and expressed their outrage over Ms. Jordan’s posts.

  5. These anti Semitic etic rants need to be condemned by GOP leadership immediately. Does the news journal know?

    • Lisa Mercaldo-McCulley

      While I find Ms. Jordan’s comments to be very unwise in nature, I do not believe she is anti-semitic. She is anti-Democrat. Her view is that she does not understand how someone who is truly Jewish could be a Democrat. I happen to agree. I also don’t understand how anyone who is truly Christian could be a Democrat.

      • RE Vanella

        Is this a joke?

        • Lisa Mercaldo-McCulley

          Nope! Just some good ole American Free Speech!

          • RE Vanella

            You’re very intelligent

          • Free speech?!! Hmmmm let’s dig a little into your family, job, friends, loved ones and have a public dirty heyday with freedom of speech directed at those listed above. Then we can check back 24-48 hrs later and see how your employer feels, how your family feels, how your friends (if you have any) feel. Thinking they’re not gonna embrace your totally free speech stance, but who knows what circles you travel in, so it may be perfectly fitting for them.

          • Thought-free speech, you mean.

      • Meyer Persow

        Lisa, if one is anti-Democrat, one does not call into question someone’s religion or their religious observance. Ms. Jordan, whether she is or isn’t an anti-Semite, shared virulent anti-Semitic speech on social media. Just remember this – the last time we mixed politics with religion, people were burned at the stake.

        • RE Vanella

          I applaud you for your commitment to the belief that someone like Lisa will be defeated with logic in the marketplace of ideas. Your optimism give m hope for the new year.

          Personally, it’s a list cause. Pudding brain. I can say this because of American free speech™. I’m as brave as any troop.

          • Lisa Mercaldo-McCulley

            RE, Thanks for showing your true colors.

            • RE Vanella

              Lisa. I’m a Patriot. I’m expressing my first amendment rights. You’re extremely smart. We would never ever make fun of you. Your arguments are clear. You believe in freedom.

              • RE Vanella

                My true colors are red white and blue. I believe in Jesus. I believe in Trump.

                • Bull shit. Maybe this is why you are such a douche.

                  • RE Vanella

                    Yeah, but my politics are good an I’m right. I’m more like a “Soviets liberated Auschwitz” type of leftist. So… Be careful, pal

                • I don’t understand how anyone who is truly Christian could believe in Trump.

        • Lisa Mercaldo-McCulley

          I see no hate in her speech. We agree, she’s not the best writer. But there is no hate. My entire belief system is based on scripture. And so far, no one is burning me at the stake. Your attack on her character is much more severe than anything she has stated. That’s a shame.

          • Meyer Persow

            Lisa, if you don’t see any hate in her speech, then YOU have a problem!

          • “My entire belief system is based on scripture.”

            More accurate version: “I am a moron who can’t think for herself.”

      • Robert McCullough


      • If you mean that all Christian’s are stupid and thus would be red hat wearing Republicans then I agree with you.

    • Do you condemn the anti-semetic comments of the rest of your leftist party (ie Omar or Talib)? How she phrased her comment was terrible but I’m gonna go with the motivation wasn’t remotely anti-semetic.

      Love the partisan writing by anonymous “journalist”. This state created Joe Biden and thinks this country is better for it. Quite sad that leftists had to make a bs website to talk shit because their team lost…

      The rhetoric in this state is growing because leftists can’t have conversations online or in person. It’s pathetic that I have to whisper my conservative beliefs around my neighborhood because some crazy might come yell and crucify me… Look at Philadelphia, restaurants host conservatives and antifa (leftists) vandalize the place. All a joke.

      Yet us conservatives are called every name in the book… WooooooOOoOOoOOO someone said a word! Holy crap words hurt right!? No. Get over yourself and stop hiding behind anonymity.

      • That is right on. I’m tired of having to stifle my beliefs and conversation. The Left wants to dismantle the Bill of Rights amendment by amendment. I will be moving south in the next couple of years and taking my 6 figure income with me. Delaware is dying a slow death, like New Jersey, New York, California, etc. The common denominator is Leftist ideals and obtrusive regulation and government. Socialism fails when the other guys money runs out, or he moves away.

      • RE Vanella

        I would protect Ilhan Omar with my life. She’s braver than any troop.

      • There is name-calling on both sides, silly. Acting like a child and bully is not partisan. Take a look at the president. It’s about the only thing he excels at.

  6. Michael Bank

    This is reprehensible. If the Delaware republican party does not call for their resignation then the citizens of our state need to demand it!

  7. Meyer Persow

    Apparently, the Cape Gazette has taken down my letter to the editor. When I sent it to them a few weeks ago, I included screenshots of Nelly Jordan’s Facebook posts as backup. Don’t know why they removed the letter from their website. Here is the letter in full:

    This is an open letter to Sussex County Republican elected officials:

    A good friend of mine in Sussex County alerted me to a Facebook post from Nelly Jordan, the vice chair of the Sussex County Republican Committee. In her post from December 9, Ms. Jordan writes:

    “What amazes me the most in these theatrical Congress hearings, is to see how many Jews “In Name Only” lend themselves to be in the hoaks (sic) of the pure made up story of Impeachment that the Democrats have woven as spiders catching flies and bugs.”

    “These jews (sic) have been enrolled to come and testify, to come and interrogate and to be involved in anything that the Democrats enlist them to do to try to look credible to the people of this country.”

    In response to a comment from one of her friends, she writes:

    “only God knows whether this kind of Jews are really believers in God or do they believe in the same God that many Democrats believe in “the father of all lies”.”

    I’m not going to use a brush to paint the entire Sussex County GOP as being anti-Semitic, however, there are a number of people who agree with Ms. Jordan’s views, including a member of the County Council who would refer to me in public as “that fag Jew.” What she wrote, even on a personal Facebook page, is vile and disgusting. What gives Ms. Jordan, or any non-Jew for that matter, the right to judge the religious observance of any Jew? What exactly is a “Jew in name only?” Her comment reminds me of people who used to tell African-Americans that they were a credit to their race because they weren’t “uppity.”

    Her comment comparing Jews to “spiders catching flies” is straight out of the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” and nazi propaganda and is sickening. The current administration has given tacit approval to a rise in white nationalism and anti-Semitism that we have not seen since the 1930’s, and apparently, something Ms. Jordan subscribes to.

    Ms. Jordan not only needs to ask forgiveness of the Delaware Jewish community for her vile, anti-Semitic screed, she also needs to ask G-D for forgiveness for spewing this filth.

    I am calling on the Republican elected officials in Sussex County to demand Ms. Jordan resign her position on the Sussex County Republican Committee and to denounce her hateful rhetoric.

    We can and have disagreed on issues, but I cherish the friendships I still have with Ernie Lopez and Brian Pettyjohn, good, decent men, who just happen to sit on the other side of the aisle than I do.

    • You’re joking right? The administration who has been the most pro-Israel is giving rise to anti-semitism? I’d really like to be high on whatever the hell you all smoke. I’m pretty sure he has denounced every single form of racism and anti-semitism. Yet leftists say actually anti-semetic things from a stance of being Muslim, which is the direct enemy of Israel, feminism, LGBTQ rights, etc… Yet you people praise these insane figureheads of your party. Smart!

      • “Jews will not replace us.” That’s what was chanted by what he called “very fine people.”

  8. Linn Hickman

    It’s a scary time for anybody smart enough to see what’s going on. Hate is their default.

  9. Wendell Smallwood

    Who the hell cares?

  10. RE Vanella

    Is Lisa a real person? I can ask this because of American free speech ™.

  11. Delaware has no prosperity and no future. You clowns are destined to keep talking about anything that matters. What a joke.

    • Meyer Persow

      Will someone please pass the popcorn? Interesting to see how a pretty simple post about the homophobia and anti-Semitism of two GOP party officials has devolved into who has the bigger penis, whether we like abortion, and how many people are on welfare.

      BTW, neo-cons, gay men have bigger members.

  12. Pingback: Republican politician refuses to apologise after somehow using homophobic slur in comment about church shooting – One True Voice Online

  13. Pingback: Chris Rowe: Republican has the worst excuse for using homophobic slur

  14. Pingback: Republican politician refuses to apologise after somehow using homophobic slur in comment about church shooting | Gay Resources Center

  15. Wow, the trolls are frisky! Always happens when they’re pissing their pants — they think if they yell enough nobody will notice the wet spot.

  16. rightwingrick

    How in the heck do ignorant bigots like this get into positions of authority. My God, these folks sound like they are right out of WWII Germany.

  17. Adam Greenspan

    You got linked by CNN! Congrats DD!

  18. Let’s try it this way…

    “What amazes me the most in these theatrical Congress hearings, is to see how many Christians ‘In Name Only’ lend themselves to be in the hoaks (sic) of the pure made up lies about Ukraine that the Republicans have woven as spiders catching flies and bugs.

    “These Christians (sic) have been enrolled to come and testify, to come and interrogate and to be involved in anything that the Republicans enlist them to do to try to look credible to the people of this country.”

  19. Pingback: Delaware GOP county chairman to resign after using anti-gay slur in Facebook comment – TheDamGoodTimes

  20. nathan arizona

    It’s weird that some idiots can’t or don’t distinguish between actual attacks on or discrimination against Jews from opposition to the far-right Israeli government, which is no better than Trump’s mess. This confusion (mostly willful, except for the stupidest) comes mainly from the right, but sometimes even the far left seems to get mixed up on this issue. To commentator Manuel, this last point doesn’t mean you’re not still a fool. Bragging about your income is another sign. You don’t have the only “6-figure income” at Delaware Liberal and probably this board too, although none of the regulars would try to “protect” that income by choosing a fascist government.

    Also, do we think commentator “Wendell Smallwood” is the former running back for the Eagles? Unlikely, but the real Smallwood would be worth more than six figures. And he went to college at “the Athens of the Appalachians.”

  21. nathan arizona

    Also, the real Wendell Smallwood played high school ball in Wilmington. He now toils for the Washington Redskins.

  22. cassandram

    Matt Bittle at the DE State News posts Ms Jordan’s “apology” and she’s not going anywhere. Basically, she is sorry for using anti-semitic language, but she’s not going to stop being anti-semitic, because that’s her conservative values.

  23. Conservative values? Are you implying that militant muslims are conservatives?

    • cassandram

      Who said anything about Muslims? No one. You just jumped right to the bigotry you think you could get away with. But there are those conservative values again.

    • Yes, they are. Militant Muslims and militant Christians have much in common. They’re both quite conservative.

  24. Are you denying that Muslims are anti-semitic? They, as a group, have called for the destruction of Israel and all Jews. Only racism if a non Leftist says it.

    • In point of fact, radical Muslims are in fact conservatives. They “as a group” have done no such thing — radical sects have, but the vast majority of the world’s billion-plus Muslims have not, and those who don’t live in the Middle East don’t much care.

      Take your fake victimhood over to your local Tea Party meeting — oh, wait, the “grassroots” Tea Party dried up and disappeared once the billionaire money disappeared.

      But congratulations on learning how to type, something most of your brethren have not yet mastered.

    • cassandram

      The topic of this conversation is how anti-semitism has a place in the GOP. Y’all are the ones wearing your conservative values on your sleeve — you just have to come to grips with the fact that includes a while lot of bigotry.

  25. Radical Muslims are in fact conservative? I didn’t realize that decapitation is a conservative value. You might think so in your deluded mind, but it’s not.

    • cassandram

      Bet you’re a fan of the death penalty, though.

      • Actually, I’m not. But I’ll bet you are a fan of abortion.

        • cassandram

          Expecting that this is a lie from you, but hey. I’ve never met anyone who was a fan of abortion.

          • It is not a lie. I don’t believe in capital punishment. You’ve never met anyone who is a fan of abortion. It is a plank in the Democrat party platform. Lots of fans there.

    • Dude, they are against all the same things radical Christianists are against. Just because you’re conservative, it doesn’t make all the people you disagree with liberal.

      It’s a religion stuck in medieval times, and it doesn’t have shit to do with what’s going on in the Middle East. Arabs consider Israel a European beachhead in their homeland, and it’s hard to argue with that from their perspective.

      The deluded mind here is yours. And, as Cassandra points out, almost all American conservatives support the death penalty. Your squeamishness about their methods doesn’t change that.

    • They’re opposed to homosexuality, they’re opposed to abortion, they’re opposed to sexual promiscuity, they think women are second class citizens, they think anyone who doesn’t believe as they do is going to hell (including Jews). They sure sound conservative to me.

  26. Actually I’m not.

    • The real question is why you’re here picking fights. Conservatives who visit liberal blogs just to leave shitty comments are revealing a lot more about themselves than they realize, yourself included. If your beliefs are so shaky that you have to find people who disagree with them so you can defend them, you’ve got an unacknowledged ego problem.

      • No. It is entertaining to show the hypocrisy of the Leftists. BTW, militant Muslims do not have the same beliefs I have. I don’t want Sharia law, women mutilated and mercy killed, strapping bombs on children, kidnapping innocents and executing them online, etc.

        • cassandram

          It’s tough to figure where the entertainment is here since the only hypocrisy highlighted here is yours. Starting with the fact that you *really* do not want to talk about how bigotry is baked into the conservative values of the GOP.

        • Oh please. Republicans/Conservatives have far more in common with Sharia law than you’re admitting. Conservatives/Republicans want to control women’s bodies, and don’t seem to be outraged when Planned Parenthood clinics are bombed or when Dr. Tiller was murdered. Republicans also seemed ok with those “very fine Nazis people”. They want to put their god (and only their god) in school – along with guns.

          I don’t care who has or doesn’t have an abortion
          I don’t care who marries who
          I don’t care if someone wishes me Happy Holidays – or what design Starbucks uses on its cups
          I don’t care about public bathrooms

          There’s much more, but you get the point.

          • Sharia law establishes a religion as part of government. It is the most intrusive set of beliefs in the world. It recommends corporal and capital punishment over rehabilitation. It is the most intrusive law over women’s rights. Only their God in schools? That describes Sharia, not the U.S. We have the 1st amendment specifically to prevent that. As for guns, if you watched the video of the Texas church shooting, you would see that a properly trained gun owner prevented the massacre of possible dozens of people. In gun free zones, only the law abiding are gun free. The reprobates and criminals ignore the signs. As to abortion, which I am guessing means a woman has the right to control their bodies, you ignore the 50% of fetuses aborted that would have been women and who had no control over their bodies. I don’t care who marries who either, but Sharia law sure does. Happy Holidays? I noticed no Merry Christmas- very telling. I don’t care what Starbucks does, either. I don’t go there. Public bathrooms is not a conservative thing. It is a decency thing. I don’t want my daughter confronted by a man in the Ladies room. Sorry, but this is just common sense.

  27. No. You are the hypocrites. Bigotry is the basis for Leftists. Everyone in their little compartment. And the way you have treated the inner cities is a disgrace. The Great Society was the largest example of bigotry we have ever perpetrated. Lousy schools to keep people down and sprinkle enough bread and circuses to keep people from rising up.

    • cassandram

      Bigotry is how the DE GOP got a big light shown on it and why they are in multiple news cycles and why many GOP reps are calling for resignations of their own leadership. That’s not leftist worth a damn and is a routine feature of your conservative values. You can deflect to everything you want to here, but you will always be brought back to the fact that the DE GOP is welcoming of every bit of bigotry there is.

    • “The Great Society was the largest example of bigotry we have ever perpetrated.”

      How so, considering that whites have always had more people on social programs than minorities have?

      “Lousy schools to keep people down”

      You are confusing correlation with causation. The lousy schools are mostly located in places with poor local tax bases, a situation caused by white flight, which is caused by bigotry (call it fear of property devaluation if you like; the cause of that comes back to bigotry).

      “Sprinkle enough bread and circuses to keep people from rising up.”

      Says the guy who isn’t rising up to the people who are. You are heavily conflicted, whether you realize it or not. You’re dissatisfied with the status quo and have come up with exactly the wrong answer to our situation.

      Every republic in human history has eventually degenerated into tyranny. It wasn’t the Roman Republic that threw bread and circuses to the masses, it was the Roman Empire. The Republic only last a couple of centuries. The empire it spawned lasted twice as long, and when it fell the torch of progress and civilization was passed out of the Western world for a millennium.

      If you’re going to preach history, learn some first.

      • Hey Alby- More whites on welfare is a product of percentage of the population, but as a percentage, more blacks are on welfare.
        Correlation vs. causation? Is that why Washington D.C. spends approximately twice the national average on schools, yet has much worse results. This goes back to the Great Society and replacing men in the household with government. The inner city family has been destroyed by Leftism. It wasn’t that way 75 years ago. On the contrary, black percentage of marriages was higher than whites.
        It is not all “republics” degenerated into tyranny. All societies have. It comes from within, not from being conquered. History will chronicle the end of the great American society and blame it on the Leftists. I know history and I don’t think you do.

        • I know you think you refuted my points, but you didn’t. Your citation of DC is exactly the same thing you said before. You know far less than you think, or you’d know that the No. 1 correlation in education is between household income and achievement, and has been as long as they’ve been measuring such things.

          You’re another conservative suffering from the Dunning Kruger effect. Google it if you know how.

          • What about the welfare percentages?

            • What about them? Read Ta-Nahisi Coates’ essay on reparations and get back to me. And you should wipe the shit off your grin, I can smell it from here.

        • You also don’t know your anthropology. Primitive societies were all built on the principle of a single leader, or tyranny. A society has to achieve democracy before it can lose it.

          Buddy, you’re just outclassed here. Your beliefs about abortion aren’t “right,” they’re just your beliefs. Your beliefs about poverty aren’t even that, as they have no evidential basis. Go buy some hand lotion and leave us out of your masturbatory fantasies about beating the libruls.

          • Alby- I can’t help but notice all your penis, hand lotion and masturbatory references. I think we are on to something. Are you coming out finally?

            • I came out years ago. When will you?

            • Oh goodie. We’ve moved onto the homophobic part of the discussion. You have far more in common with Sharia than you admit.

  28. Not my values. I treat all people the way I expect to be treated. And this country is the most integrated of any on Earth. Sure, there are some exceptions but for the most part we get along.

    • And you have treated us poorly. Hence your poor treatment.

      You have an inaccurate and biased view of “Leftists,” typical of the not-too-bright conservative.

      This is not your blog. You came here to pick a fight; the “entertainment” excuse is used by all aggressive right-wing assholes who do so.

      Back in the day, people who wanted to fight went to the nearest bar and eventually did so. Why don’t you take out your aggression somewhere like that?

      • That’s the best you got?

        • People who come to pick fights have problems. You are a poor excuse for a man. As I said, go beat somebody up at the bar, big man. You have no place here.

          • You’ve got nothing.

            • You look sad standing there with your dick in your hand.

              • Settle a bet for me: I say you’re Catholic.

              • But a perv like you gets off on it.

                • RE Vanella

                  Ok buddy. You’re a cool guy. Tradcath and all. We’re are definitely not laughing at you. I think you can rest assured you are not the butt if this joke. You’re smart. You’re respected here.

  29. RE Vanella

    Are fucking talking about racial welfare percentages? Holy shit.

  30. RE Vanella

    He goes “you’ve got nothing”. Holy shit. Yeah, bro, awesome. You definitely won.

  31. RE Vanella

    Al, honestly. I can’t believe this. I’m glad you work on Sundays. Go Birds.

  32. Ah Rev, I was waiting for your non-sensical response. Right on cue I might add. Another example of how far behind you really are. Remedial work might help, though.

  33. RE Vanella

    Tell me how you win the argument. Go ahead.

  34. RE Vanella

    It’s funny cause these guys always bring up how smart they are, but I never do.

  35. RE Vanella

    They have facts and logic.™ Who are they trying to convince, do you think?

    Hehe. I’m sorry the podcast is so good. You should be embarrassed so I get it.. Use your real name! It’s logic!

  36. RE Vanella

    As Alby would point out, I ain’t afraid of you motherfuckers. In fact, I don’t even know who you are. But you know me right? Yeah, you do, buddy!

  37. I know your type for sure. Low IQ, belligerent and ill informed with a big mouth. My guess is you have always been a wimp and picked on. Now that you found a group of manginas to hang out with, you have muscles of a sort and try to pick on the ones you see as your predators.

  38. RE Vanella

    You know what I like, bud? What pleases me? How you know me but I don’t know you. But you’re still jealous. I can tell. You feel weak, embarrassed. You’re failing around for some Freudian cliche. Yeah man. You’re real bright. It’s totally obvious.

  39. RE Vanella

    Use your real real name, brave hero! Be like a troop. Be brave. Come on, bud.

  40. RE Vanella

    Hehehe. These poor fuckers. Buster. Jesus Christ it’s embarrassing to me!

  41. RE Vanella

    Buster, tell me more stories. Please. How much thought have you given to this? I’m intrigued by your analysis of my psyche & character. You seem to have given this some thought. I mean if there’s one thing I fucking adore it’s haters dreaming about me. Tell me more.

  42. RE Vanella

    Buster is not owned. I do not, under any circumstances, want to hear anyone saying Buster was owned. I will not stand for it!

  43. Jealous? HaHa. I think I struck a nerve. And by the way, posting short consecutive responses may indicate an attention disorder.

    • See, you’re just looking for a fight. But you’re too cowardly to go down to the bar and pick a real one. You manly, manly conservatives. So musky. So high-T. Come to prove you can beat up the libs.

      People like you demonstrate that we did not evolve from chimps and that, in fact, we have not evolved at all.

      • I think we may have discovered your secret fantasy.

        • You’re the one who came here to prove his manhood. Everyone sees it but you.

  44. RE Vanella

    Cool. Yeah, definitely did. B

  45. RE Vanella

    You got me bro.

  46. RE Vanella

    Who are you again?

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