Privatization of Public Land

Everything for Sale in Delaware City: Origins of Fort DuPont Public-Private Partnership

This is the 2nd post in the “The Privatization of Public Land” series by Jack Guerin, concerning the saga of  the Fort DuPont Redevelopment and Preservation Corporation (FDRPC). Jack Guerin is an anti-corruption advocate with FightDECorruption.comThis series currently consists of 10 posts, and may grow to more. A post will be published every day Monday through Friday over the next two weeks (April 22, 2024 to May 3, 2024). Click Here for access to all published posts.

This post explores the origins of FDRPC in Delaware City. It’s the story of a group of entrepreneurs who focused on this small town on the low end of the development curve with unappreciated natural assets.

I’ll Sell You Dale

The mastermind of this investor group was John Buchheit III. His message was anything for a price. Referring to his husband, Dale Slotter, Buchheit famously said, “I’m a businessman. Everything’s for sale. I’ll sell you Dale.”

Buchheit and Slotter bought the Delaware City Hotel in 2006 and opened Crabby Dick’s restaurant. During public comment following the January 2024 Mayor and Council Meeting, Mr. Buchheit stated that he owns 20 properties in Delaware City. With his group of investors, he started Cordelia’s Bakery in 2013 and Lewinsky’s restaurant in 2014 (Lewinsky’s folded in 2018 and Cordelia’s in 2015).   Buchheit presented his vision for Delaware City in a press interview:

“I’ve seen growth in Delaware City a lot faster than the economy’s been growing,” Buchheit says. “I see us being a little New Hope, or the next Lewes. You look at Lewes 25 years ago, and there wasn’t much to talk about. Today, it’s the place to be. And I see that happening in Delaware City.”

Below is a quoted from a News Journal article at the end of 2013.

John Buchheit III used to laugh at talk of ghosts. Then he moved to the tidewater town of Delaware City and it became clear after he started buying historic buildings.

“Without a doubt, there are spirits. The end is not the end,” said Buchheit, 52, a city councilman who served as mayor from 2011 to 2013. “I’m already picking who I’m going to come back and visit.”

Rather than running from restless spirits that roam historic buildings, Buchheit and other Delaware City leaders believe the dearly departed are part of an exciting trend that’s breathing new life into a city that failed to live up to the lofty expectations of its founding fathers. For the first time in recent memory, a group of city officials, residents and investors have gained traction in revitalizing the town.”

An Investor Group with Connections

This story includes multiple links to the Delaware General Assembly. In 2011, Mayor Buchheit hired Richard Cathcart as City Manager of Delaware City. Cathcart served multiple terms in the General Assembly rising to become Minority Leader.

Cathcart was available because he had recently resigned from both the General Assembly and his double dipping position at Delaware State University. His resignation followed a report by the State Auditor of Accounts finding that Delaware State University paid $2 million to an HVAC vendor using 21 separate purchase orders to avoid competitive bidding requirements. This is the same offense which led to the Kathy McGuiness indictment, although on a much larger scale.

Cathcart’s ethical lapses didn’t raise any red flags for either Mayor Buchheit or the Fort Dupont Corporation where he served as a Board member. He continued in both positions until 2017 and became an investor with John Buchheit when they started Lewinsky’s Restaurant in 2014.

Mark Chura was another former public official who teamed up with Buchheit to invest in both Lewinsky’s and Cordelia’s Bakery. Chura had been a senior manager at the DNREC parks division. His consulting firm has provided project management services for Main Street Delaware City.

John Buchheit’s investor group did not rest their hopes on the private sector alone. John Buchheit was elected Mayor in 2011 and then served on the Delaware City Council. Dale Slotter was a Board Member with the Fort DuPont Corporation as well as the Delaware City Zoning Board (Board of Adjustment). Richard Cathcart was  Delaware City Manager and Board Member at the Fort DuPont Corporation. Mark Chura was on the Delaware City Planning Board.

John Buchheit, Richard Cathcart, Valerie Longhurst and Mark Chura. Photo from social media.

This investor group was well positioned to influence planning of the Fort DuPont complex with positions on the FDRPC Board, Delaware City Council, the Zoning Board, and the Planning Commission, allowing significant input and control over the FDRPC development agenda.

Lynchpin for Investors was Fort DuPont Appropriation

The lynchpin for these investor hopes was the Fort DuPont Enabling Act (HB 310) sponsored by Representative Valerie Longhurst and Senator Nicole Poore in 2014. The General Assembly appropriated $20,800,000 for the Fort DuPont Corporation from FY 2013 to FY 2024—a large sum for a town with a population of 1,695.

The Delaware City group of investors was very appreciative in supporting their local legislators. Many events were held at Crabby Dick’s, Lewinsky’s, and Cordelia’s restaurants to benefit the legislators including fundraisers, meet and greets, and happy hours.

In addition to campaign fundraisers, there were also annual fundraisers for the Delaware Police Athletic League. In addition to her position as Majority Leader, Valerie Longhurst is Executive Director of the Delaware Police Athletic League with an $84,000 salary. Raising money for PAL is one of her major responsibilities. Another Facebook post celebrates Longhurst’s daughter Peyton’s last day of the season as an employee at Crabby Dick’s.

Valerie Longhurst was very supportive: “The only way that those small businesses [in Delaware City] are going to succeed is if you have foot traffic,” she said. “The way you have foot traffic is by developing it.”

John Buchheit modeling new erotic “uniform” at his ice cream parlor. Image from social media.

Landlord Tenant Relationship

John Buchheit was Valerie Longhurst’s landlord for more than four years. Mr. Buchheit acknowledged this rental during a recent public comment at a Mayor & Council Meeting. Valerie Longhurst lived in a Delaware City house owned by Buchheit at 207 Clinton Street from July 1, 2011 to August 6, 2015. Zillow currently estimates the rental value at $1,200 a month. Allowing for inflation, at fair market value, Longhurst should have paid approximately $50,000 in rent during this period.

207 Clinton Street, Delaware City which Valerie Longhurst rented from John Buchheit.

Based on the Facebook post below, John Buchheit offered Valerie Longhurst another building for a campaign headquarters with no mention of rent. His post states, “Valerie Maglio Longhurst campaign headquarters? Let me know if you want it….” There is no information regarding her acceptance of this offer.

In my opinion, Longhurst showed poor judgment becoming a tenant of John Buchheit who was lobbying her for appropriations which would benefit both his City and his investments, which surely raises conflict of interest concerns. 

Valerie Longhurst has had other conflicts of interest during her career.  Specifically, her acceptance of the position of Executive Director with the Police Athletic League (PAL) of Delaware with a current salary of $84,000. 

She is also capable of misleading statements. Her official House Bio claimed she was a “Full Time Legislator” three years after accepting the PAL position. Longhurst presented this misleading claim even though the Delaware State News published an article in February 2018 outing her as PAL Executive Director.


This post chronicles the local push for economic development in Delaware City. The next post in this series describes how the Markell administration initiated the Fort DuPont project and the rushed chaotic process which produced the Fort DuPont Enabling Act.

Jack Guerin is an anti-corruption advocate with He is plaintiff in a lawsuit to stop the development of the campground. Click to send an email to legislative leaders asking them to pass the Joint Resolution and return this protected land to the State Parks Department.

4 comments on “Everything for Sale in Delaware City: Origins of Fort DuPont Public-Private Partnership

  1. john buchheit

    The article is full of total B/S . What you failed to mention I was the only City Council person that did NOT VOTE IN FAVOR OF THE SALE GRASSDALE. There was never an investment group on any of my properties. Dale and I own all of our properties and yes we will sell them we are businessmen. But we keep investing in Delaware City with our own personal funds never getting a dime from the government or even a historical tax break. Why, Because we believe in Delaware City and we have made a difference. What he fails to mention I did put the Central Hotel out for Public auction and sold it taking a abandoned vacant city owned property off the city bank roll. This was all done with 100 percent approval of Council. Cathcart was hired by City Council after an open interview with city residents and 2 other candidates for the job. Council then hired him. Mayors do not have the authority to hire a City Manager. He was appointed by me after the open townhall meeting and Council hired him. Mark Chura NEVER served on the Delaware City Planning commission. I was never involved in any deals with Fort Dupont the only thing I did was have the height restriction lowered over at Fort Dupont when I was on Council. As for posting a picture with a funny gag shirt, I had on my personal page not my business page for the Ice Cream parlor . If you know anything about me I like to laugh and have fun. My friends know that. You are not my friend so stop stalking me. Its creepy. GET A LIFE YOU LYING TROLL. As for Longhurst no way did she ever pay me 50,000 in rents do not assume. It makes you look like an ASS. Your writings are nothing but assumptions and lack true facts.


    Settle down Ellie Mae. Thou dost PROTEST too much! I can see the SPIT FLYING out of your mouth. If the administration in question had been TRANSPARENT, you wouldn’t be sitting here NAME CALLING.

    • john buchheit

      Ellie Mae …hot ,sweet ,innocent and loves critters so I take that as a compliment. If they blogger actually interviewed me instead of writing a bunch a false accusations he would find constructive informative information that may be beneficial to his/her mission . Your group may have good intentions but attacking the wrong people will not help your mission succeed. Report accurate and you would not have someone spitting in your face.

  3. Peoplenotmanipulators

    “I may not be the smartest man in the world, but i know how to manipulate people. Hehehe” – John Buchheit

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