
The Polling Report for November 12, 2017

A new Quinnipiac poll finds that voters disapprove of the Republican tax plan by a 52% to 25% margin.  Republican voters approve 60% to 15%, with 26% undecided. All other party, gender, education, age and racial groups disapprove.

When asked if they think the Republican Tax Cut plan would increase or decrease their taxes, or have no affect either way, they responded:

Most Americans don’t believe the plan will increase jobs or economic growth, with 52% saying the plan wouldn’t compared to just 36% who say it would boost the economy.

Back down there in Alabama, we have a NRSC poll finds Roy Moore (R) is trailing Doug Jones (D) by 12 points in the Alabama special Senate election.  In the aftermath of five women accusing Moore of pursuing them as teenagers and one allegation of sexual assault, Jones now leads the race 51% to 39%. In early October, the NRSC internal poll had him leading by 16 points, and a survey early this month had him up by 9 points.

Also interesting: “Several sources who reviewed the poll results said it also tested how Attorney General Jeff Sessions would fare as a write-in candidate, and the results were not favorable.”

Now, take this poll with a large boulder of salt.   It is from the National Republican Senate Committee, the campaign committee for Senate Republicans.   The NRSC chair is Senator Cory Gardener of Colorado, who said Roy Moore should withraw and if elected expelled.  He has every motive to release this poll, or toy with the numbers in this poll, to push Moore from the race.  And since the NRSC has refused to release the full poll and all the internal cross tabs, we have to suspect that that is the case.

Delaware politics from a liberal, progressive and Democratic perspective. Keep Delaware Blue.

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