
Former State Rep. Ruth Briggs King to run for Lt. Governor

Makes sense, as opportunities to run for the Senate downstate are not available this cylce, and she probably figures she can present herself as a non-crazy, non-Nazi, non-Handsmaid Tale Republican to the rest of the state.

Hell, she should have run for Governor, but Mike Ramone beat her to it. You know, a Ramone-Briggs King ticket for the Republicans is probably the best combo they have put together in a while. Better than Murray-Hall in 2020, Bonini-Gunn in 2016, and Cragg-Valenzuela in 2012. Not since the halycon days of William Swain Lee and Charlie Copeland (aww, remember him?) have the Republicans had this credible of a gubernatorial lineup.

A former state Representative, Ruth Briggs King retired from the General Assembly six months ago after moving from her district. She apparently had no plans to run for the office of Lt. Governor herself until she was nominated from the floor of the State Republican Party convention this past weekend.

She is the only Republican in the race currently. Mike Ramone’s entry into the Governor’s race this past month cleared the field of any other credible candidates, though he still faces a primary against unknowns Bobby Williams and Jerrold Price. Assuming Briggs King is the nominee for Lt. Governor, she will face off against the winner of the Democratic primary in the fall. The Democratic primary consistes of State Senator Kyle Evans Gay, the frontrunner, State Representative Sherry Dorsey Walker, and Debbie Harrington.

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