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House Passes Bill Reforming Car Towing of Allegedly Illegally Parked Cars

bill to provide better protections for drivers when their car is allegedly illegally parked and then towed passes in the Delaware House. House Bill 351 passed by a suprising party line vote of 24-14-3. All Democrats voted yes and all Republicans voted no. Apparently conservatives believe towing companies can be allowed to tow every care everywhere without proof that it was illegally parked in the first place. They are grifters, after all, so they support grifting.

State Rep. Ed Osienski’s bill creates a new list of requirements when a company tows a vehicle for illegally parking in Delaware, explaining the regulations would not apply for any law enforcement tows. Under the bill, towing companies would be required to take a photo documenting the unauthorized parking, publicly display their towing rates which must be reasonable and companies could not charge more than $500 for towing and storage.

Additionally, drop fees could not be more than 50% of the tow fee, and storage facilities must be open or accessible to the public from 8am to 6pm five days a week and make reasonable accommodations to redeem vehicles after-hours.

House Bill 351 — Reforming Car Towing of Allegedly Illegally Parked CarsCurrrent Status – House Passed 24-14-3. Senate Environment, Energy & Transportation 5/14/24
House SponsorsSenate Sponsors
House Yes VotesBaumbach Bolden Carson Chukwuocha Cooke Dorsey-Walker Griffith Harris Heffernan Johnson Lambert Longhurst Lynn Matthews Minor-Brown Moore Morrison Osienski Parker-Selby Phillips Romer Schwartzkopf Williams Wilson-Anton Senate Yes Votes
House No VotesCollins, Dukes, Gray, Hensley, Hilovsky, Jones Giltner, Short, Smith, Morris, Postles, Ramone, Spiegelman, Vanderwende, YearickSenate No Votes
House Absents or Not VotingBush, Neal, ShupeSenate Absent or Not Voting

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