
Hey Nicole Poore and Dave McBride, take a listen….

Kim Olson, a Democratic congressional candidate in Texas’ 24th District, is making big waves in the Lone Star State. She will be in Congress next year as Texas turns more blue.

The retired Air Force colonel spent 28 years in the armed forces, commanding troops here at home and in combat areas such as Iraq.  She has actually served in a combat zone, she’s seen weapons of war up close, and she didn’t hold back at a recent event when the subject of firearms came up, telling the audience in the strongest of terms why we need to act now.

Pay attention, certain New Castle Senators who claim to be Democrats interested in gun safety:

The issue of gun safety is not going away, Nicole and David, as much as you want it to. Be like Kim and not like Wayne La Pierre.

Delaware politics from a liberal, progressive and Democratic perspective. Keep Delaware Blue.

1 comment on “Hey Nicole Poore and Dave McBride, take a listen….

  1. Anonymous

    Maybe Senator Sturgeon should read this to since she so good at handling guns now.

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